“Feline Love: How an Indoor Cat Became a Doting Father Figure to a Group of Adorable Kittens”

Once the cat was brought indoors, his personality truly sparkled. He became very caring towards the little kittens, and one of them in particular developed a strong attachment to him.

cat hugs kitten orange

Mickey and Link by Kristen Sterner
Not long ago, Kristen Sterner was browsing social media when she stumbled upon a post about a stray cat who needed a loving family. The moment Kristen laid eyes on the feline, she knew that she had found a special cat. Kristen is a foster parent for St. Francis Animal Rescue, and she felt called to take the kitty under her wing.
Despite his initial shyness and fear of his new surroundings, Kristen could see that the cat was a little angel. She reached out to the people who posted about him and picked him up. At first, the cat would hide whenever he could, but Kristen patiently showed him love and safety until he gradually started to open up and feel more at ease.
Kristen named the cat Mickey, and she has since adopted him into her home. He now has a loving family and a forever home.

friendly stray cat

Mickey was discovered as a street cat and it is assumed that he is approximately two years old. However, after being taken in, he transformed into an amiable little fellow. Mickey spends his time being cuddly and kneading his soft bed. All he wants is to be loved and have a best friend.

happy cat kneading

Kristen Sterner describes Mickey as a very kind and mild-mannered cat who enjoys getting head and cheek scratches and being petted. Moreover, he has become more receptive to kisses with time. Mickey’s nurturing side came out when he met his first foster kittens and he started looking after them like he knew exactly what they needed.

happy kneady cat mickey

Kristen Sterner shares that Mickey, a contented cat, loves to knead his paws happily. Mickey’s friendliness is irresistible even to timid kittens who he cuddles with to keep them company. Recently, a weak orange kitten named Link was brought in and found to have a severe upper respiratory infection, flea infestation and malnourishment after living alone outdoors for some time.

cat cares foster kittens

Mickey is a foster parent who showers kittens with plenty of love and care. After undergoing antibiotics and nebulizer treatments, Link finally felt much better. His energy was restored, and he became more active and affectionate towards those around him. With his newfound energy, he would run around the playpen looking for a companion to play with and roughhouse. Thanks to Mickey’s loving care, Link was able to fully recover and socialize with other feline friends.

orphan kitten orange

A discovery was made of Link, an adorable kitten who was found alone outside. Kristen Sterner, the person who found him, was thrilled when he met two foster calico cats. However, Link’s uncontrollable energy often led to rough play with the calicos, causing them to protest and squeak. This caught the attention of Mickey.

orange kitten link

Mickey was taken care of until he fully recovered and regained his lively spirit. One day, he heard some commotion and rushed towards it. He saw Link playing too roughly with some calicos, so he intervened and stood in between them. Mickey became a mediator every time Link got too rough. Link was immediately drawn to Mickey’s energy and wanted to be around him all the time. He felt lucky to have a mentor who could teach him how to be a cat.

cat orange kitten

Link was immediately drawn to MickeyKristen Sterner. Whenever the kittens were playing in the room, Mickey would keep an eye on them. One day, Kristen saw that Mickey was grooming Link while also teaching him about boundaries. She witnessed how Mickey would playfully bite Link and show him how to do it in a proper way.

cat hugs kitten orange

Mickey took on the role of mentor to Link, showing him the ropes and teaching him about boundaries. Since then, Link has been Mickey’s shadow, observing his every move, snuggling up with him and even engaging in playtime. To Link, Mickey is like a father figure or a big brother he never had. Having been separated from his mother and siblings, Link is overjoyed to have a feline friend to look up to. Mickey has a heart full of patience and affection for every kitten, and he knows some of them may require extra attention and care.

cat hugs kitten sweet

Kristen Sterner stated that Mickey and Link often engage in various activities such as cuddling, wrestling, grooming, and having fun together. Link is always in close proximity to Mickey and follows him around.

cat cuddles kitten sweet

Don’t forget to spread the word about this story with your pals. And if you’re interested in following more of Mickey and Link’s adventures, be sure to check out their Instagram account.