“The Unlikely Bond of a Dog and Duck: A Tale of True Friendship”

It’s not uncommon to see dogs and cats getting along, but this unique duo of a dog and duck takes the cake! The unlikely friendship between four-year-old Pekin duck Andy and golden retriever Barclay may seem unusual, but they are the best of buddies. Even though they have their moments of disagreement, owner Pam Ishiguro proudly shares that the pair always seek each other’s company when separated. These two are a true testament to the fact that friendships come in all shapes and sizes!

The two are enjoying each other’s company.
It’s funny to see how the animals behave. They remind me of my two sons who have a love-hate bond. Whenever they’re together, they’re always jumping on or chasing each other, but when apart, they miss each other’s company and call out to one another.
Barclay, one of the animals, is quite fond of duck chow and will sneak into their coop to devour their food whenever he gets the chance. Additionally, he has a strange liking for drinking their bath water and, if he’s feeling sneaky enough, he’ll sniff their behinds.

Andy is embraced by Barclay as he wraps his arms around him.

According to Ishiguro, Barclay used to be scared of ducklings and avoided looking at them. However, recently he overcame his fear and is no longer afraid of them. Ishiguro suggested that Barclay’s fear might have been learned from their other dog, Izzy, who used to stalk the ducklings. They were worried that Izzy might harm the ducklings and always corrected his behavior, and it’s possible that Barclay picked up on it. Interestingly, the two dogs also sleep and rest together.

They frequently cozy up together on the couch.

Everything took a turn when the ducklings matured and surpassed Izzy in size. A single instance of being chased by the ducks was enough to make Izzy understand. As a result, Izzy has grown quite fearful of the ducks.

However, unlike the other dogs, Barclay seemed completely at ease amidst the ducks. He had a great bond with his owner, Andy, and they were frequently spotted snuggling up together on the couch. Sitting alongside the ducks was not an issue for Barclay in the slightest.

The sight of them together was adorable!