Kody’s Reality Check: Embracing Monogamy with Robyn for the Sister Wives Fan

If Kody Brown, the star of Sister Wives, is seriously thinking about committing to long-term monogamy with Robyn Brown, it’s a wise decision that has numerous benefits.

Sister Wives - 8 Reasons Kody - Robyn Brown's Monogamy Won't Last

It is advisable for Kody Brown to avoid taking another wife and remain monogamous with Robyn Brown to prevent the destruction of their marriage. Robyn desires to have a monogamous relationship with Kody and will not tolerate him pursuing other relationships. This represents a significant change as she previously supported plural marriage. The future of the Sister Wives dynamic and the fate of their relationship hinges on Kody’s attitude towards long-term polygamy. Although Kody has lost three wives, he should consider staying committed to Robyn. However, Kody has been a staunch supporter of polygamy for years, which may make it challenging for him to be with only one partner. During his courtship with Robyn, he was infatuated and passionately in love, which set the stage for the end of his plural marriage. Despite Robyn’s desire for monogamy, Kody may find it challenging to provide what she needs due to his history of polygamy.

Sister Wives' Robyn Brown

Robyn has changed her approach to communication with Kody and has taken a direct route, clearly stating that she won’t be happy if Kody starts courting another wife. This is a significant change from her previous stance where she extolled the virtues of polygamy. With Robyn now holding the power in the relationship, it remains to be seen how Kody will react. While traditional patriarchal models place men in charge, history has shown that queens can lead just as well. Elizabeth I, for example, reformed society and boosted England’s economy. Robyn could similarly force a revolution within the confines of her marriage and topple the entire Sister Wives premise. However, Kody might still seek out a new wife to boost his self-esteem and feel alive again. If he does, he risks losing Robyn’s support and creating infighting among his wives. Ultimately, Kody may find that his actions lead to the downfall of the Sister Wives empire, which pays his bills.