Feline Finds Solace in Canine: Dog Steps Up to Help Care for Six Adorable Kittens from Shelter

A feline together with her litter of six kittens were brought from a shelter. The furry momma was ecstatic when a friendly doggie volunteered to assist her in taking care of her little ones.

kitten cat mom snuggles

In a recent post on @shibuyarollcall, the heartwarming story of Smokey the cat and her six kittens was shared. After spending some time at a shelter, Smokey and her kittens were taken in by Asa, a volunteer at the Animal Welfare League of Arlington. Asa made sure to provide the family with a tranquil and cozy space, allowing Smokey to adjust and relax in a comfortable home environment. Smokey took on her role as a mother with ease, and there was a beautiful moment captured where she was seen sticking out her tongue in pure happiness while her kittens nursed. It’s heartening to see animals being given a second chance and finding love and care from kind individuals like Asa.

cat sleeping newborn kittens

Shibuyarollcall tweeted about how amazing Smokey is as a cat mom. Smokey took care of her six kittens by consuming six cans of food daily to feed them. Smokey was attentive to her kittens’ needs and ensured that they were well-fed and their fur was clean. Whenever Asa visited the room, Smokey was thrilled to have someone watch over her kittens, giving her time to stretch and refresh herself.

cat mom nursing kittens

According to @shibuyarollcall, Asa revealed that Smokey is not only a fantastic mother but also incredibly laid-back. As a result, she has allowed her babies to be handled without any fuss. Over the past few weeks, the kittens have grown and developed their distinct personalities. Five of the six babies are gray and are named Chorizo, Pepperoni, Salami, Prosciutto, and Pastrami. Meanwhile, the one black and white kitten, Spam, is the most playful and naughty of them all.

cat snuggling kittens

@shibuyarollcall shared that one kitten in the litter was different from the rest since she had a different color. This kitten, named Spam, was also the neediest among them and always demanded Smokey’s attention. As Spam grew up, she developed a bold and daring personality, which set her apart from the others.

cat nursing kittens

@shibuyarollcall’s feline friend loves to playfully grapple with her mother’s tail and has a particular preference for chowing down on dry cat food directly from the bowl. Raising six rambunctious kittens can be quite challenging, but Asa cleverly enlisted the help of Kona, an affectionate dog who adores cats, to assist in socializing the young ones.

cat dog friends

@shibuyarollcall reported that Kona is enthusiastic about caring for foster kittens and treating them like her own. Additionally, she is considerate of cat mothers and their territory. Smokey, on the other hand, is thrilled to have a dog companion who is adept at interacting with her kittens.

kittens love dog

Kona@shibuyarollcall became the center of attention for all the adorable kittens. As soon as Kona arrived, the six little ones rushed towards her, and she welcomed them with wet kisses. Interestingly, Smokey, the feline mother, didn’t mind Kona’s intervention and let her take over the caring duties. According to Asa, Kona even attempted to “kidnap” one of the kittens by carrying it by the scruff, but Smokey remained unfazed.

dog kittens cat

Smokey is feeling grateful to receive assistance from Kona in taking care of the foster room, as Shibuyarollcall reports. Whenever Kona comes to help out, Smokey seems greatly relieved, almost as if she sees Kona as a babysitter and exclaims, “Thank goodness you’re here!” However, true to her Spam-like nature, Smokey demands attention from Kona by shouting and even poking her nose until she gets what she wants.

kitten dog cute

As the kittens grow older, they become more active and playful. They perceive Kona as their cool auntie or mom, and whenever they spot her, they gather around her.

kittens dog cat

@shibuyarollcall posted about how Smokey is enjoying some solo time thanks to Kona’s company. Once the kittens are independent, Smokey will be spayed and ready to find a caring and affectionate forever home.

kittens dog cat

Don’t forget to spread the word about this story to your pals! If you’re interested in learning more about Asa’s foster cats and the feline family, check them out on Instagram @shibuyarollcall.