“Gary the Adventure Cat: Scaling Mountains and Saving the Day”

Say hello to Gary, a 5-year-old cat who has gained quite the following on Instagram. But Gary isn’t just your average cute cat posing for pictures – he’s a true adventurer who loves hiking, paddling, and exploring the great outdoors. According to James, Gary’s owner and social media manager, the cat is introduced to new activities slowly to ensure he is comfortable and happy. However, James admits that he has created a bit of a monster as Gary now demands regular outdoor adventures and meows at the door when he doesn’t get them. Check out Gary’s amazing adventures on his Instagram page, Gary The Cat.




When James was asked about how Gary came to be a part of their family, he shared that it was his partner who made the decision to adopt him. The reason for her choice was that Gary had suffered the same injury as his fellow dog-companion Duke at the same age, which made them a perfect match. Both animals had experienced a broken left hip and underwent a femoral head osteoectomy as part of their treatment. This procedure involved the removal of the femur head, which resulted in the left hip joint consisting only of muscle and tendon rather than bone. As a result, Gary is unable to jump high but is otherwise healthy and normal. Interestingly, while Gary was still in the shelter, he was named Bruce, after the iconic superhero alter-ego of Bruce Wayne.