Meet Nora: The Adorable Earless Kitty Taking the Internet by Storm

Pictures of nora the earless cat

Nora, a former stray cat from Wisconsin, has captured the hearts of people worldwide after losing parts of her outer ears due to chronic infections. Despite her unusual appearance, Nora has become an internet sensation. After being rescued by a local vet and undergoing surgery, she was adopted by veterinary nurse H Due and their wife in January 2020. Thankfully, Nora still has her ear drums and canals and can hear normally. Her favorite activity is sleeping, and she can sleep for up to 20 hours a day. She often cuddles with her family’s three-legged dog Matilda, and she greets people and pets with no fear. Despite her hardships, Nora continues to spread joy and love wherever she goes.

A picture of Nora the cat

Nora has become quite the sensation on various social media platforms due to her delightful disposition. Despite not possessing genuine ears, she has no trouble mingling with other cats and enjoys cuddling up with dogs. It’s fascinating how Nora doesn’t appear to have heightened sensitivity to auditory stimuli compared to typical felines. Even though she has an array of knitted imitation ears to don, she’s never had to wear earmuffs. Her owner attests that Nora is just like any other cat, taking it easy and being a bit of a slacker. One of her followers on Instagram exclaimed how lovely and charming she appears, even without having real ears.

Nora the cat

The photo shows a healthy cat, as mentioned in the post by Jam Press/ Some viewers complimented her cute appearance, while one even showed interest in adoption. Furthermore, another user acknowledged the cat’s beauty, extending beyond just her fur.