A Mother Dog’s Incredible Strength: Abandoned and Tethered, She Preserves Her Pups’ Lives for 10 Days Before Rescue

The act of cruelty committed by a dog owner is quite appalling. A pregnant dog was tied up to a tree in a forest and left to die. However, the defiant canine not only survived but also managed to give birth to her puppies and kept them alive for 10 days while still tied up. This act of endurance is truly remarkable and shows the strength and resilience of animals even in dire situations.

Lara, a Pit Bull mix, was abandoned by her owner when they decided that she and her puppies were not worth taking care of. The owner committed an egregious act by leaving Lara tied to a tree in a forest near Nafplion, Greece, instead of responsibly finding her a new home or taking her to a shelter.

Lara found herself in a difficult situation as she was in the middle of a cold forest all by herself while she was heavily pregnant. She ended up giving birth to four little puppies while still being tied to a tree.

It’s incredible how this mother dog managed to keep her puppies alive for 10 days despite having no access to food, water, or shelter. Her determination to ensure her pups’ survival is truly admirable. Eventually, some local villagers informed rescuers about their situation, and they promptly arrived to bring them to safety. Sadly, one of the puppies didn’t make it.

With the help of dedicated and compassionate rescuers, the three surviving puppies and their mother made a remarkable recovery. These little ones are now thriving, and they’re just as playful and cute as any puppy would be!

It is our sincere hope that the individual responsible for the inhumane treatment of the animals is identified and held accountable for their actions. We are grateful to the rescuers who intervened and rescued the mother dog and her puppies before any further harm could be inflicted upon them. Our wish now is that the puppies are able to find a loving and permanent home as soon as possible.