“Feline’s Incredible Transformation: From Wobbly to Agile in a Matter of Weeks”

In a matter of weeks, a tiny feline turned from a clumsy walker to an agile runner and jumper.

tortie kitten

Laura, a volunteer at Cat Adoption Team (CAT), had taken on the responsibility of bottle-feeding three adorable kittens – Cheeky, a tortoiseshell kitten, and her ginger littermates, Chippy and Moppet. However, even though Cheeky was the smallest of the three, she had a loud and cheeky personality that immediately captured Laura’s attention. As the kittens grew and began to play with each other, Laura noticed that Cheeky would occasionally stumble and fall over when she turned four weeks old.

kittens ginger tortie

Chippy, Cheeky, and MoppetLaura, a popular social media account that showcases adorable foster kittens, shared an update about Cheeky’s health. According to the post, Cheeky’s condition worsened the following day, causing her to have difficulty walking. The kitten was immediately taken to CAT’s onsite hospital where she received antibiotics. The vet diagnosed Cheeky with toxoplasmosis, and she was prescribed a 28-day treatment plan. Despite her weakened state, Cheeky remained brave and determined.

kittens trio littermates

Laura, who goes by fosterkittenpdx on social media, would watch her little charge eat with great enthusiasm during every feeding session, encouraging her to grow big and strong. She provided assistance to the kitten as needed, ensuring she was able to navigate the litter box and stay stable while eating. As time went on, Laura began to see noticeable improvements in the kitten’s health and development, which was a welcome relief after the initial period of uncertainty.

tortie kitten cheeky

Laura from @fosterkittenpdx shared how Cheeky, a tiny kitten, began to show signs of liveliness by attempting to sit up and play with her siblings once she gained some strength in her legs. Despite still losing balance occasionally, Cheeky displayed more confidence, steadiness, and stability while taking her milk bottle. The determined kitty wouldn’t let the occasional tumble stop her from playing and wrestling with her littermates, showing off her playful spirit.

sassy tortie kitten

Laura, who goes by the Twitter handle @fosterkittenpdx, shared that Cheeky was inspired to stay energetic because she had her siblings running around her. The little kitten attempted to keep up with her brothers and sisters and surprisingly found her purr again while doing so. Laura believes that interacting with her littermates and being active is beneficial for Cheeky’s well-being.

kittens snuggly

Laura from @fosterkittenpdx shared that Cheeky, who was only seven weeks old at the time, has exceeded the one-pound weight and has been showing remarkable progress every day. From being unable to stand or sit upright, Cheeky is now running and jumping around without any sign of stopping. She can also reach the litter box by herself and has started to eat on her own.

cute tortie kitten

Laura, who goes by the handle @fosterkittenpdx, shared that one of the kittens she fostered had difficulty learning to eat from a bowl. But with the help and support of her siblings and Laura’s caring family, the tortoiseshell kitten eventually learned how to do it. The kitten, named Cheeky, proved to be a strong survivor with a unique personality that made her stand out. According to Laura, Cheeky is growing into a stunning cat with lots of “torti-tude”.

ginger tortie kittens snuggles

Laura, who goes by @fosterkittenpdx, affectionately refers to her feline companion as the energizer bunny due to her lively and energetic nature. Cheeky, as she is known, has grown into a vibrant source of happiness for Laura, displaying an affinity for high-places and cuddling up with her human under their chin.

tortie kitten cheeky

Laura from @fosterkittenpdx shared that there was a time when she didn’t think the kitten would make it to this day but now she is happy to see that the kitten never stops moving except for when she gets tired.

beautiful tortie kitten cat

Laura, the owner of @fosterkittenpdx, happily announced that Cheeky, one of her foster kittens, finally found her forever home last weekend. The new fur parent is thrilled to welcome Cheeky into their household, where she has been causing a ruckus with playful zoomies and occasional mischief. Cheeky’s new family also has two other furry companions, Snowball and Kissy, who are excited to meet their new sibling.

lap cat tortie

Hey, guys! I’ve got a really heartwarming story to share with you all. If you’re an animal lover like me, you’re going to love this one. Make sure to follow my Instagram account @fosterkittenpdx to keep up with all the adorable fosters in my care. And don’t forget to share this story with your friends too!