From a Search for a Lost Feline to Rescuing a Mama Cat and Her Babies: Our Unexpected Adventure

A household set out to search for their lost feline, but instead stumbled upon a young cat with her litter of kittens and ended up rescuing them.

cat snuggling kittens

Celine from @comrescuemontreal had the pleasure of meeting Hestia, a friendly stray cat who was found by Arianne and John whilst they were searching for their lost feline. The couple stumbled upon Hestia whilst following up on some leads provided by their neighbors. Hestia was in a pitiful state, scrawny and dirty, so Arianne and John couldn’t bear to leave her to fend for herself. They took her in, fed her and gave her water. Hestia voraciously ate the food until she was full and then showed her gratitude by purring and rubbing against the couple.

stray cat food

Celine from @comrescuemontreal discovered a starving stray cat, who was later found to be a nursing mother. After a good night’s sleep and a hearty meal, the young cat surprised the couple who took her in when they saw that she was producing milk. Upon realizing that she had kittens, the couple tried to find out if anyone in the neighborhood recognized her.

stray cat kittens

Hestia, the malnourished cat, was found by a couple who noticed her deteriorating condition due to her stomach issues. After rescuing her, they decided to track down her kittens. In a second visit to the location where they found Hestia, the cat started leading them towards a garden where her little ones were hidden away. As the night fell, Hestia’s confidence grew, and she proved to be a reliable guide to her rescuers.

sleeping newborn kittens

Celine, who goes by the Instagram handle @comrescuemontreal, shared a heartwarming story about rescuing a cat and her kittens. According to her, the couple who found the feline family had to wait until the next day to retrieve them since it was already late, and the homeowner was already asleep. Fortunately, when they returned, the cat led them straight to a shed where her kittens were hiding. With the cat’s help, they were finally able to locate and rescue the adorable kittens, much to their delight.

tuxedo cat happy

According to Celine, who goes by the handle @comrescuemontreal on social media, a cat named Hestia was able to lead her rescuers to her four adorable kittens, who were all safe and sound. The helpful feline family was then taken under the loving care of Chatons Orphelins Montreal, where they were given their own cozy room and a foster family who catered to their every need. The cute kittens happily nursed on their mother’s belly and received all the attention they deserved.

cat mom nursing kittens

Celine from @comrescuemontreal updated Love Meow that Hestia received some much-needed grooming and medical attention for her stomach issues. Thankfully, she has fully recovered since. As for the four male kittens found in the shed, they’ve grown considerably since their rescue.

cute panther kitten cat

Celine, who manages @comrescuemontreal, reported that the kittens have successfully learned to use their legs for running and climbing. They have also started to eat substantial cat food like professionals. Hestia, in particular, has shown improvements in her physical appearance as she now has a soft and shiny coat. The kittens have been gaining weight every day, much to the delight of their mother who always coos whenever humans enter the room. She would always request for attention and petting from her caretakers.

cat mom nursing kittens

Celine, who manages the Com Rescue Montreal Instagram account, shares the adorable antics of four brothers who love to sleep, play, and discover the world together. These mischievous little ones also enjoy annoying their mom while she eats. Each kitten has its own distinct personality, and they are all curious and full of energy. You can’t enter the room without being greeted by all four of them at once!

kittens learning walk

Thanks to the kindness of Arianne and John, the cat mother and her kittens won’t have to endure another day outside. Although still searching for their cat, the couple feels at ease knowing they have rescued these precious lives. Celine, who goes by @comrescuemontreal, shared this heartwarming story on social media.

sweet young cat kittens

Celine from @comrescuemontreal reported on a fortunate family that was recently rescued. Hestia, the mother cat, is doing an excellent job taking care of her four kittens, who are all healthy and growing strong.

kittens purr pile cute

Don’t forget to spread the word about this amazing story! You can find more about cats and Chatons Orphelins Montreal by following @comrescuemontreal on Instagram and Facebook. Let your friends know and help raise awareness for these furry friends in need.