Roaming with a 40-Pound African Feline: A Thrilling Tale of Reunion with Pet Owners After a Three-Day Escape.

In Merrimack, New Hampshire, a beautiful African serval cat named Spartacus found his forever home with a loving family four years ago. It’s worth mentioning that the family legally acquired ownership of Spartacus through a permit issued by the state department. Unfortunately, Spartacus went missing recently after getting scared by their dog and running away. But thankfully, good news ensued as the cat was located safe and unharmed! For further details, check out their Instagram page.

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

As per the reports, Spartacus, the cat, ran away when he came across the family dog. The owner of the cat mentioned that the dog didn’t want to come inside and when his wife opened the door, the cat and dog got afraid, which resulted in Spartacus running away. Although the family searched for Spartacus in the nearby woods, they weren’t able to find him. The local authorities were informed about the missing cat, but it was difficult to locate him as they weren’t sure of where to start looking.

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

According to a report by The Daily Mail, the search for the missing cat posed a challenge for the officers, who were unsure of what they were looking for. Merrimack’s animal control officer, Haylie Gulino, had to provide them with a picture of the cat’s typical appearance to aid in their search. This was an unusual situation that most people were not accustomed to. However, after three days, they were finally able to locate the cat near its home.

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

Spartacus, the serval cat, has been found safe and sound after missing for three days in the wilds of New Hampshire. The Merrimack Police Department posted on their Facebook page that the lost pet was finally captured near its home and reunited with its owner. Spartacus was adopted from a zoo four years ago, and his sudden disappearance caused worry among his owners and animal lovers alike. Fortunately, the cherished cat is now back home where he belongs.

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

Dean, the owner of Spartacus, wanted to express their gratitude and appreciation to all the people who helped and supported them in their quest to find their dear cat. They are delighted to inform everyone that Spartacus is back home, safe and sound, enjoying their company and the comforts of home. Dean shared a special bond with their feline friend and fondly referred to him as “my person.”

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

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This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

This 40-Pound African Cat Is Reunited With His Owners After Running Away And Spending 3 Days In The Wild

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