The Heart-Wrenching Story of a Bait Dog: Chained, Ill-treated, and Brutalized by Abusers

The team at Slapdash Deliverance in St. Louis got a call about a dog that was chained to a hedge. When they arrived, they were shocked to see the poor condition of the dog, which could have been used as a bait animal.

The poor pup had devoured large amounts of food and ended up with a messy face, chest, and legs. His face was covered in food, making it impossible for him to open his eyes. Unfortunately, he ended up getting an infection due to neglecting the wound, which was left uncovered for several weeks. He was chained up and left to die until a group of rescuers found him and brought him to their facility. There, he received proper care, including IV fluids and antibiotics for several months. The caretakers even had a nanny on call 24/7 to assist with his needs.

Marco, the canine, proved to be a true warrior. Despite facing a lengthy journey towards recovery, he persevered and succeeded! Remarkably, he still has a deep affection for humans and seeks out love and companionship from them.

Currently, he resides in a warm and affectionate household surrounded by many other furry companions that he loves to play with. His past of being involved in dog fights is far behind him, though the physical marks may still be evident. Despite his traumatic history, it does not dictate his present or future.

Currently, he spends most of his time snuggling on the couch with his newly adopted family or happily playing outside with the other children in his spacious community.