Title: “The unstoppable kitten with cerebellar impairment and its furry friend who sees no difference”

The little feline suffering from cerebellar impairment appears a bit unsteady while walking, but it possesses unyielding determination to live like a regular cat. The cutest part is that its fluffy companion doesn’t see any dissimilarity and treats it just as it would treat any other cat.

Introducing you to Derencho, the adorable cat with a unique condition known as CH!

On Independence Day of 2012, a mere seven-week-old kitten was brought to Friends of Felines Rescue Center (FFRC) by a caring family. According to Jacci Moss of FFRC, the feline’s mother had given birth to her litter in a pile of wood. Unfortunately, this adorable little creature had Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH), a neurological condition that affects balance and movement. Nevertheless, he never let his condition get him down. Despite his wobbling gait, Derecho, as he is named, remained optimistic and happy-go-lucky. When his mom decided to relocate the litter to a different spot, he was unable to keep up with his siblings and was subsequently left behind. However, thanks to the loving family who had been looking after the kittens, Derecho found his way to FFRC in Defiance, Ohio. Upon his arrival, they learned that the town had recently experienced a severe storm known as a derecho. Thus, inspired by his resilience in the face of adversity, they named him after the Spanish word for “straight ahead” or “direct.”

According to Jacci, Derecho was one of the initial CH cats at FFRC. Despite his condition, he behaves like any other feline and has proven to be an extraordinary cat. The “D” Man, as he is fondly called, has surpassed expectations since his arrival at FFRC.

This feline has mastered the art of balancing by stretching its legs. Despite its wobbling and falling, it persists with sheer determination to reach its destination. This remarkable cat has a heart of gold and has even provided emotional support to those in need. Derecho has now matured into a grown-up cat.

Derecho is known as the beloved Uncle to many kittens at FFRC due to his exceptional nurturing skills. According to Jacci, he has taken care of numerous kittens by bathing and tending to them. His kind and gentle nature have earned him the title of the peacekeeper of FFRC. Derecho provides rescue kittens with plenty of love and tender loving care.

Derecho’s story has inspired the FFRC team to extend their support to other cats with CH. Jacci shared that they felt a strong urge to help after witnessing Derecho’s happy and fulfilling life with their assistance. They are now determined to bring joy to other felines with CH and provide them with the same care and attention.

FFRC has taken in numerous special needs cats over the years, and thankfully many of them have found loving forever homes. Derecho is one such cat who inspires those around him with his resilient spirit. Despite his challenges, he doesn’t waste time feeling sorry for himself. Not only that, but he loves to play! In fact, someone going through chemotherapy keeps a photo of Derecho nearby as a reminder to stay determined and carry on. If Derecho can do it, so can they.

At FFRC, there is a feline resident by the name of Derecho who has been embraced by numerous volunteers as their own. He has imparted valuable lessons upon them, reminding them how precious life truly is and how much control they have over the experiences they have. Even after surviving a storm, Derecho has become a source of light and optimism for those around him.

Derecho managed to ascend the tall oak tree on his own and reached the third level.